
Posts Tagged ‘The Crying Game’

Films for the Post-St. Paddy’s Day Hangover

March 17, 2012 1 comment

One of the all-time great movie posters.

St. Patrick’s Day has arrived and there are probably a few things you haven’t considered in order to make your March 18th hangover more manageable:

  • How do I get green vomit stains out of my carpet?
  • Was my casual, alcohol induced racism the reason I have a black eye?
  • What movies should I watch while I eat dry toast and chew aspirin?

Well, to answer the first two questions– Oxiclean and yes. More complicated, however, is what Irish-related movies you should indulge in while you grip your couch for dear life as your head begins to split open. I’ve come up with a list of just a few of my favorite films full of Irish characters. I started to dangerously slip into an all-IRA/crime theme, so I made sure to include some humor and romance as well for those of you who resent the bomb setting, alcoholic, murderous stereotype. There’s no doubt I’ve left out some real gems inspired by the Old Country, but a couple of these oughta get you through the day just fine, provided you can get someone Read more…